Sunday, June 10, 2012


Geez, how do you start a blog? Um... hi... I guess?
(Shut up Alex.  Let me do this part!)
Welcome to the Thinkin' Ink blog! Despite how cliche that message was, we mean it. If you're a starting writer, please feel free to share your inspirations and creations. Also, don't hesitate to use the things we write for inspiration. (And please don't think that means you can take our stuff and have it published.) A quick disclaimer, we can't prevent people from stealing your ideas if you put them on the Internet. (Sorry.) We just aren't that cool yet.

Further rules:
1. Don't put stuff on here that's not about writing. I don't care about your new recipe, or car, or your boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever.
2. Again, we can't protect your stuff. But we do hate the people who try to take it. :P
3. If you want to critique someone else's work, please do it nicely.
4. Have fun! (Dear lord that was cheesy.)

Okay, now that that's out of the way, we can introduce ourselves. Currently posting is Alex.
Now currently posting is Macey. But you may call me MaceFace. (Long story.) We're two friends that have been writing short stories, poems, and more since we first met in second grade.

No, losers, we're not dating.
So just don't even ask.
Or joke.
Or poke.
Or any other rhyming word that implies rudeness.

So, here is our first blogged piece:

Moonlight illuminates the night sky,
Waiting for daylight when it will die.
Silvery streaks flow to the ground.
The Earth is quiet, not a sound.
A warm summer breeze drifts through the dark.
What happens tonight will leave no mark.
And soon the silence of Night is gone,
The sounds of daylight come with dawn.
Across the sky the sun will go,
What happens tonight remains unknown.
But soon the mysteries of darkness come back.
The sky is painted an inky black.
The forgotten things are close at hand.
Nighttime is coming once again.


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