Monday, June 11, 2012

Some Tips and Tricks:

Hello! It's Alex. I decided I would post a few tips and tricks to enhance your writing. So, here they are:

1. Use sensory details! A reader is much more drawn to smells and sounds than just what something looks like.

2. Show, don't tell. You want to act like your reader is in a movie. Instead of saying, "She was angry.", describe what anger looks like like this: "Her hands clenched into fists and her face blazed a brilliant scarlet as she entered the room and saw to her horror her brother, laying on her bed, reading her diary!"

3.Make it flow. Switch places or switch whatever you're describing fluently. No one wants to read choppy, confusing writing.

These are really the most important things in my opinion. One of the best strategies to apply these to your writing is to write the whole thing and just get the ideas down on paper, and then go back and add in places where you can use these techniques. Find your own style, and then go with it. Settling into a type of writing you liike can be one of the most beneficial things.


Make them think. Make them wonder. Make them MARVEL. 

Yay inspirational message!

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